My mind wandering again lol. Back to thinking about praying... hmmm Maybe that detour in thought was for a reason, Is there something I am still blaming Him for that I dont realize and it is making it hard for me to pray? That is something I will examine and meditate on today...OK again, back to praying....So what to pray and how to do it? I dont know. I tend to talk to him like He is siting next to me and He is my best friend. I find thats not the best. I tend to just jump in and I forget He is God. I should always start a prayer with Dear Lord...not like I often do, Hey God guess what just happended? like He wasnt there lol. after that what is said and how it is said is a very personal matter for each individual. BUT you cannot be focused on you. yes pray for wisdom of His word and knowledge of what His plan for your live is, that is focused on Him not you. but you want a job? dont focus on which job you want. Focus on what God wants your life to look like to best let Him shine. Focus on which job best supports your beliefs. can a christian work in a bar or casino? well i am sure that yes they can. But is it the best God wants of you? How will God work there? Make a plan show God and see what he says, If you dont get that job on Wall Street you want so badly know that God knows if you take that perticular job you may compromise your morals, you will get the next job! God always has a plan.
Is your coworker being rude or mean? Pray for them to have a change of heart. Keep doing it. Do it twenty times a day if need be. do I want a new outfit? forget it, dont pray for that! pray that others have clothes. Am I sick? Pray for healing! but also pray for anyone else who is sick too... dont forget to thank Him for every little thing! He love to hear thanks! Praise Him and tell Him you love Him!!
And how it ends is always amen. What does amen mean? Several things. def one and two are important here...
1. it is so; so be it (used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement to express solemn ratification or agreement).
2. verily; truly.
3. an utterance of the interjection “amen.”.
4. a musical setting for such an utterance.
an expression of concurrence or assentSo in the middle I never want something that will make God cry or hurt Him in any way. If i end my prayers with "so be it" I cant have it be for something that hurts His image. This is expecally true for me. I am a new christian surrounded by atheists. I have to set the very best example so God shines in my life and hopefully lead others to Him!
As I have said before If I ever post something you know to be wrong please let me know. I am doing this so I can learn and so others may learn too. I do not want to have wrong beliefs. And I surely do not want to teach anyone anything wrong....
I so look forward to reading your blog. I really enjoy it, and you are really good at it.