Sunday, September 21, 2014

My For Now Church

So picking a church was so hard today I didnt do it. I decided to wait and drive and see what I found, but my spouse didnt like that idea so he sent me with our mother in law. Long story short, his wife died and her family is still his, I believe this is how God intended it. She is really one of the FEW examples of Christianity I have had in my life. And its not a bad example. I know what she used to be like be like from stories. And I know what I see now. Not a bad example at all! So when I got to her house, way too late to back out I found out her church is an Assembly Of God. If you have read my older posts, you know of my first and hopefully last experience with that church! But it wasnt to be. And I am so very glad! I loved it! It was nothing like the other one. they had study books they use for bible study and I understood it! It was easy to follow and if I do study on my own and have questions, she is a phone call away or I have some religious groups online I can ask! It is awesome!

The first one claimed to be pentecostal, but this one says no, they are different, however Assembly Of God is typically a pentecostal movement type of church it varies how much so from church to church and they cannot claim to be pentecostal. That does not matter, I still dont have to ware a dress and I can watch tv and they have understandable bible study info. I think I am smart enough to see the slant if there is one. I am too curious and dont just take someones word for anything....except Gods.  And I just love to learn about God and am excited to be able to get into the bible with something I can understand. I can go at my own pace until I run out of their old books lol! So less time online and bloging! I cant wait to hear what this wonderful book has to tell me!!

So I think for now, this is where I will be. If I ever do get uncomfortable, I can find another one. But as long as I feel God wants me to be there, I think I will stay. I am glad I had the other experiences and may, from time to time, try another church...but I am happy with my mom in law and I think her church is a good place to start. I wont close off other options yet, but I wont close off staying there either! Like her, I may find I just dont want to leave!

Bible study was on Caleb and his faith....and about doubt...ah, I dont like what I learned about those who doubt, but they didnt just doubt they stopped believing, they quit trusting, they did not WANT to go forward anymore, actually saying they should have stayed in Egypt.....I am quick to back doubt off and careful to turn at once back to belief....

In church we learned happiness does not come unless a happening (an event) happens! also about Gods house and how awesome it must be since each believer has a MANSION in that house! Thats not all for either Sunday school or church....I have to go.

I will go back to church tonight...she is coming and getting I will have more tonight or in the morning.

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