For me, this was and is very serious! All the feel good/do good stuff with God is all fine and good. But my whole like I was told I am a glorified monkey! And quite frankly I have felt like it also! I was told Bozo was my uncle and I believed it...I mean science said its true so it must be, right? Well, that may not be what science says. The big bang theory is just that A THEORY!! I have another theory for you and it have been scientifically prove, as much as the Big Bang Theory has been....
Do you remember Albert Einstein? How about his theory of relativity? He proved time is relative to speed...from the point of view you are looking at time....well, The Genesis Code, is a theory that "proves" science and the bible align. It suggests that God sees the passage of time differently than we do on earth, that made a lot of sense to me. the whole movie did....the movie is called The Genesis Code as well. it proves that what the bible said happened each day actually happened in a specific passage of each passage the size of the universe doubled and things happened. it stops in day six. but God says he rested on day seven. and apparently we have not got there yet.
In researching this theory for this blog and a friend...I have found that the Creationists have major problems with this theory as well. For me, it no longer matters. And that happened while I was researching this. I do recommend the movie if you have problems with this area, it helped me get my head around the possibility and lead me to a conclusion I am loving. The bible is very literal, it also speaks in riddles much of the time....I know there is a scientific explanation, we are just not that smart yet....For me, I have decided it does not matter, I stand with God and the bible. Science no longer plays a role in it. God says everything was done in seven it was. This was one explanation that i needed and got, weather it is right or not it does not matter. I know the truth and I dont think i need to define why anymore....
Everyone used to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Earth was flat...that they could fall off the edge of it. There are people who believe in evolution and people who don't. There was once a time when an airplane was a fantasy. Someone will have a problem no matter what the theory is. Watch the movie and decide for yourself. At the very least it may open some doors you dont even know are closed yet....In all this time, theory's have changed, but the bible has not. knowledge has changed but the bible has not.
Love this!
ReplyDeleteIt is not what I expected to do. I took all the notes. I was going to post each day and period of time and what happened but then i found out that the creationests had problem with the theory and they have valid points and thats when i decieded i dint care. i am very pleased with the outcome of this...