Monday, October 6, 2014

Defining sin...

Defining sin is tricky. Everyone knows killing and lying and steeling is a sin. But there is more to biblical sin than the obvious.

It will include holding on to such emotional reactions as unforgiveness, anger, hatred, bitterness, resentment, fear, shame, guilt, self-rejection, self-hatred, death wishes and many other attitudes that negatively affect our relationship with God.

When people are physically or emotionally abused, they naturally react in anger. Such a reaction is not a sin (see Eph. 4:26). But it is the holding of the anger, allowing it to become unforgiveness, that is sinful and internally damaging.

Many people suffer from self-condemnation, self-rejection and even self-loathing. In spite of the value God puts on us, a value we often know only in our heads, our feelings toward ourselves may be quite negative. Many people are holding anger toward God.

Sin includes the failure to do what is right. You see someone picking on a kid, you have to step in. You see someone stealing, you have to say something... Sin includes not loving each other as yourself. And the Bible teaches that sin involves a condition in which the heart is corrupted and inclined toward evil.

 Rejecting Gods plan and purpose for us is also a sin. Yes, defining what is a sin is no easy task. Think about it for a bit and see if you can find some hidden sin in your life, I know I have more than my fair share, however,  I -like everyone- evolve and change daily. I dont know what all sins are in my life, but I love finding out and fixing it. The absolute worst thing that could happen is I find some peace and joy and grow closer to God and Jesus. Thats not too shabby....

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